Last year my husband did a career switch. From twenty year in sales, he went back to school to become a licensed clinical massage therapist. At the time some people thought it was a crazy idea. But as someone who gets headaches, I was more than thrilled. It turns out, I do not get massages on demand. But I do get to design all his marketing materials. Last week we relaunched his website. With more of a focus on what's going on with the economy and the benefits of companies using massage as part of their overall wellness program. Why am I blogging about this? Because I think it's important, no matter what your business, that you keep up with what's going on. That might mean tweaking your message a bit, enhancing your story with different visuals, or even creating new marketing pieces. But no matter what, you need to stay relevant. If you're product or service isn't something that people need, than find a way to make them want it. I know I always want a massage. I just need to find a way to get one.