Monday, March 19, 2012

My seven year old googles and doesn't have a land line

Last week there was a fantastic article about nostalgia in marketing. However, it was about recreating nostalgia. Which has a market, but for how long? My daughter is growing up in a completely different time. She understands and knows how to use google. She's never had a land line phone. She doesn't know what a fax machine is, let alone a beeper. It makes me wonder what will be considered nostalgic when she's my age? What will going back to her roots mean? (a 2012 ipad?)

As someone who loves antiques, I see the value of something older. Worn. With a history and a story. Maybe that's why we live in a brick bungalow. And I love to garden. Because I want her to have something real and lasting. Not made to look real.