Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I'm on Linkedin. And I'm a little torn with the social media site lately. While I try to keep all my connections professional, I find some spillage from my person life. And then there's the endorsements. Please don't endorse me if you've never worked directly with me. Even if you know me, and like me, it's not helping. And then there's the issue of previous bosses. Do they want me to endorse their skills? And my graduate professors, who I've never worked with directly but admire quite a bit. What's happening now with social media? I find that despite having a business page on facebook, that I'm getting tagged personally when it comes to work. Then potential clients are contacting me through facebook at all hours. Then there's texting. I'm getting texts from clients instead of calls and emails. All this interaction lately is making me reconsider something I did 8 years ago: I got rid of my land-line. Now I'm thinking of getting one for my office. How are you dealing with the 24/7 cycle of accessibility? Tips welcome.