I was reading an article on-line, and the article took me to a website. Where I saw something all to familiar. A logo that looked like another business that I go to. Sure, I probably notice these things more than most. After all, it is my business. But it's something that everyone in marketing/branding/design is all to familiar with. Stock. Stock photography. Stock logos. Stock websites. While the goal of marketing a business is to understand what makes a business unique, what value it brings to their clients with their product and services, what does it say when your mark, your single most important symbol of your business, is the same as someone else? Worse, what happens when that business is the same. Two floral businesses with the same logo, two shoe stores, two coffee shops? You get the idea. How can we tell one from the other? It's something to think about. And why you sure hire a professional. Because stock (anything) is just that. Stock, which means of the common or ordinary type. And what business wants to be ordinary?