As the end of 2008 wraps up, I supposed I am like everyone else and reflect on what this past year has been about. For me as well as my husband it marked new beginnings. I opened my studio, and my husband went back to work as a clinical massage therapist after leaving the business world. Are there things I would have done differently? Absolutely. But I'm happy where I'm at, and without making those mistakes (or decisions) I wouldn't have learned anything. Even at 40, I still feel like I'm still learning, growing, and trying to be a better person, a better wife, mother, designer, and business owner. A tall order. But I feel blessed to be doing what I'm doing. Lucky that I have clients that appreciate how much work goes into their projects. I really feel that as a designer something that was missing over the past 5 years was working directly with the client. Maybe that's why I like the idea of looking big and staying small.
This week will also mark the beginning launch of three websites I have been working on. While the process for each has been different, from a six month scope, four months, and two weeks, the end date was the same. So here's to 2009. May it bring much success for everyone. And more importantly, may your year be filled with health and happiness.