Tuesday, May 27, 2014

today's new is really tomorrow's old

Today I spent hours working on course correcting. I went down a path that lead me someplace less than desirable, but had me thinking. How often do we start with good intentions? Ideas that seem great, but lead us to frustration?

No, I'm not talking about design, or process, or even theory. I'm talking about technology. The ever changing/always learning/can we ever stop and take a break/ technology.

Today was the day, that I was going to switch blogging platforms and seamlessly transfer all my content. Except it didn't go that way and the two systems were not compatible. So I had to make a choice: Go with the newer/shinier system and lose years of blogging, or do I try to make more with what I had?

I went with the old. Because in the end, today's new is really tomorrow's old anyway. I spent some time reconfiguring and integrating other features that the older system had recently adopted, and in the end, it still works. Maybe next time I won't be so quick to leave.

City in a garden

Honored to be one of the 12 chosen by the City of Chicago. #cityinagarden