On saturday I took my daughter to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Cheers to the Chicago Public Library for letting us getting a family pass, but I have to say that it's one of the worst museums to go to with a kid. Second, I don't get half (and that's being generous) of what they're featuring. One current exhibit has so many lights flashing I was sure it was going to induce a migraine. Another had human bones, laid out on the table. Perfect for a four year old to try to grab. So many times things came out of my mouth like "Elli, don't sit on the box, it's art." Or, Elli, I know that it looks like a sign, but don't tough it, it's art." While I suppose it makes you question what art is, sometimes I think I'm old school. Give me the Art Institute any day. Maybe that's why we have the family pass there. And they have programs for kids, art projects and a library. Enough said