Tuesday, January 14, 2014

That's not appropriate

The other day I'm in Lakeview, a section of Chicago. As I'm driving, I see a sign for Emergency Happiness. It's the marketing campaign for the new Emergency Room at a hosptial.
I don't know about you, but there is nothing happy about going to the E.R. It's about being in a bad situation, and getting the care you need. It does not make you happy in any way.
There are a lot of words that could have been used to describe the new facility. As someone who has worked in health and wellness marketing, I know I would not have chosen the word happy.
And that's part of any marketing strategy. When you position your services, of course you want to have a value proposition. But in this case, the value that they bring should be one of care and comfort. I doubt anyone ever feels happy going or coming back from the emergency room.