Thursday, April 11, 2013

Devauling your brand

I admit it, I love the Gap. Most people are surprised that I shop there so much, but for basics, quality and price, they're great. So great that I actually have a Gap charge. Usually I hate those things, but they do have extra deals for us regulars. The thing is, they offer so many specials, that it's bordering on obnoxious. How many times do they send an email out that says "Last change to save 30%". Last chance until....tomorrow. When they do something else. So the other day I went into a store (unusual since I prefer to shop online.) And went to buy a pair of shorts. Yes, I know it's not short weather, but they are cute, and I know by the time it's warm enough to wear them, they'll be out or carrying fall merchandise. The thing is, the sale was over. So I said, forget it. And sure enough, a couple of days later, I got another email with the same offer. And bought them online.

So am I writing this to tell you that I like to save money? Who doesn't? The issue is, that I've been conditioned by that company that everything is always going to be less. Sure, I know they mark the prices up to mark them down, but I can't imagine paying full retail anymore. The value of that brand isn't there. They've reduced themselves in my eyes.

And it's not just them. The Groupons, wedeals, and other daily sites that show the original value of a product or service, then 90% off, I have to wonder a few things: 1. Were they so overpriced to begin with or 2: Are they going out of business, and this is their last chance to get an influx of new clients or they're desperate for the cash. Either way, I think it's a lesson that needs to be learned. Because once you start to put a lower value on what you offer, it's hard to change perception.