Friday, April 20, 2012


As a designer, it's hard not to be judgmental. I see an ad, packaging, a business card, poster, and I have an opinion. I can't go someplace and immediately not be influenced by what's around me. I take it all in, and I critique. Why did they do that? How much did that cost them? Who signed off on this idea? I think about who their market was/is and if they nailed it, or really failed big time. And I wonder who else is doing this? Are you seeing things and judging? Maybe not in a conscious way, but unconsciously? Are you walking into a beautiful office and thinking this is beautiful, or now I know why the charge so much. Do you see a business card that's flimsy and immediately form and opinion about the giver? Do you see someone in a beautiful suit and think they must be important? Or a lawyer....
It's a toss up. We all have our things. No judging.