Monday, February 16, 2009

Name calling

What’s the point of titles anymore? Are they really an indicator of success? Talent? Years in business?

I’m asking this because I have no idea. I’ve been called a lot of things in my almost twenty years as a designer. And it’s not what you’re thinking. I’ve been an art director, associate creative director, senior designer. It used to be that titles had relevance. That you couldn’t become a senior designer without first being a designer. That art directors often came after designer. But now, I see job postings (yes, even in this economy) for art directors with two years experience. Two years? I was doing production work two years after college. I didn’t like it, and was actually fired for it, but still. I had to pay my dues. And I did. I worked long hours. I commuted. I got paid a salary that barely paid for a 450 square foot apartment.

But that was than. Now I come to the table a seasoned professional. I’m paid for my experience and the work that I can deliver. Call it what you will. And I mean that.