Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More wired than I ever believed I would be

I have a blackberry. I got it for work. Then I made fun of my husband being on Facebook, and sure enough, I'm addicted. I've connected with people from 20 and 30 years ago. I love yelp, because the reviews are better and more real than anything a professional reviewer could tell me. Call me a product of the times, but I have a number of clients who have blogs. So now I have one. Do I have anything interesting to say? You be the judge. I do know that as a person who works for themselves, my day to day contact with the outside world is different than what it used to be. But now I feel like the world is even more connected. I miss going to work and wearing high heels. No one notices your shoes when you work for yourself. Well, actually my four year old does. But as I find that as much of a connection that I have through the internet, nothing replaces the contact you get from real people. Maybe that's why Starbucks is always busy. And maybe that's why I'm returning to sending out real letters. Because as easy as it is to send out an electronic card, nothing is as personal as something you do yourself.